Haunted April

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Welcome To My Ghostly Realm

What makes Haunted April so haunted...


The house that I live in is believed to be haunted. We were skeptical in the beginning...but read on to find out why there is little doubt left in our minds! You'll also hear the EVP we picked up on a cellphone voice-mail recording!


Here are some of the things that have happened in our house:
My son said he was talking to his brother one day and saw someone in a long white robe or dress follow him into the bathroom.

We were all sitting in the livingroom one night when a basket went sideways off of the shelf it had been on for years and had never fell.

I was online one night and everyone else was asleep. The house was totally quiet except for the dryer running. Suddenly I heard the dryer door open and immediately slam shut. It was so quick that the dryer never even stopped. My b/f had his doubts it would have kept running-until I demonstrated to him that it would.

My b/f had left a pot of water boiling on the stove one night and fell asleep. He told me that he heard someone calling his name and thought it was a dream, but it made him wake up and realize that the pot was boiled completely dry and could have caused a fire.

I was sitting at my desk one night, talking to my sons and I distinctly felt someone brush my shoulder. Thinking it was my sons, I turned around quickly but they were both sitting on the couch and hadn't budged.

My b/f said that while he was showering, something or someone was tugging on the washcloth in his hands.

I was sitting at the desk one morning, eating breakfast and thinking about getting online afterward, when the computer began dialing up all by itself.

My sons and I had went outside one day for a few minutes and when we returned, the large burner on the stove was on and was red-hot. It was in the summer and we rarely cook when it's so hot out. I asked each of my sons if they had turned it on and neither of them had. My b/f was gone at the time.

I was alone in the house a couple of weeks ago and was in the bathroom when I heard something fall to the floor. I thought nothing of it until I heard something else fall...the distinctive sound of a CD hitting the hardwood floor. When I went to investigate, there was a floppy disk and a CD rom lying on the floor beside the desk. The ceiling fan was on high, but there was a piece of paper right next to where the disks had been, and it fluttered, but did not blow off. I could see no way a floppy and a CD could have been blown off if a paper had not.

My sons were with their dad and my b/f was visiting family in Michigan a few days after this, and I was lying in bed one night feeling very sad and lonely, but was not asleep...not even getting sleepy. Suddenly I felt a firm tapping on the back of my neck. There were about nine taps in all, and felt like a finger, yet I could feel no flesh touching my bare neck.
Frightened and thinking someone had gotten into the house, I whipped around quickly, only to find nobody there. This was not a nerve jumping, because I've not felt it before or since then.

I work nights and was just getting up for work one evening about a week ago and asked my b/f to bring me some juice. I drank some and sat the styrofoam cup squarely on the night-stand and continued talking to him.

Suddenly he said "Look at that cup!" Confused, I glanced at the nightstand and saw that the cup of juice which was still 3/4 full was balancing on the edge of the table. From the angle it was sitting, there was no way it could have kept from falling over, yet it didn't. Impulsively, i grabbed it and set it right again. I WISH I hadn't done this before snapping a photo first, but I just didn't think. My b/f and I just looked at each other in shock and both said "Did you SEE that??!!"

Even after all of the weird things that have gone on here, he was still skeptical...but now he tells me he has no doubt. What happened next gave neither of us any room for doubt:

I was at work one night and my b/f was at home alone. He decided to change the message on his cellphone's voicemail. He told me he hit "record", but couldn't decided what to say, so after a few seconds, he stopped the recording.

On a whim, he played back his supposedly empty voicemail message and was shocked that it was NOT just white noise.

When I got home, he turned on our speaker phone and dialed his cell number. What I heard was so frightening it actually brought me to tears.

At the beginning of the recording you can hear what sounds like 2 or more children whispering, while the white noise makes this pounding, energy-like noise. Then you can distinctly hear a man's voice say "HEY...IT HAPPENED!."...at least that's what it sounds like to us, but it is definitely a man's voice.

The house was empty except for my b/f and the T.V. was off. There was no noise in the house.

He wanted to erase this from his voicemail message, so I played it over the speakerphone and recorded it on a portable cassette player. I listened to it after recording it several times and was a bit disappointed that you can barely hear the children whispering, but the man's voice is still very distinct.

What I'm confused about is, what on earth could he mean by "It Happened."? I've been talking to whatever spirit is here while I'm alone in the house, and have asked it to somehow communicate with us. My sister said that perhaps he was letting me know that the communication had "happened." I always thought it was an older female who was here, but now with the children's voices and the man's message, I'm convinced otherwise. I believe this is a multiple-haunting. I'm going to try and get some background info on this house...as well as a digital recorder so hopefully i can capture more voices. I tried with the very sensitive mic on my pc's monitor and using sound recorder, but got nothing so far.
Clink on the player below to hear the slowed down version of the voicemail recording. What sounds like thumping is actually the word "Hey", then you'll hear a man's voice say "IT HAPPENED!" *I forgot to save the soundfile at regular speed. I'll add this soon.

Thanks for checking out my site. More to come!

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